

Family Links

1. Susannah FARRINGTON

Amasa ALLEN 2

  • Born: 17 Nov 1787, CT 2
  • Marriage (1): Susannah FARRINGTON on 16 Aug 1806 in Milford, Otsego Co, NY 1
  • Died: 21 Sep 1887, Terre Haute, Henderson Co, IL 2
  • Buried: 23 Sep 1887, Terre Haute Cem., Henderson Co, IL 2 3

bullet  General Notes:

History of Mercer & Henderson Counties (IL), Chicago, H. H. Hill & Co., 1882:
"A History of Terre Haute County"- p. 1278:
A REMARKABLE FAMILY - A family remarkable for longevity is the Allen family. Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Allen have been married seventy-six years. Mr. Allen is ninety-five years of age and Mrs. Allen is ninety-one. The ages of their children now living are as follows : Martin, now living in New York, is seventy years old; Hannah, sixty-seven; Mary, sixty-four; Joseph, sixty-one; A. F. 57; A. T., 52. The father, Mr. Amasa Allen, is yet quite a sprightly old gentleman. The first fourth of July celebration at Terre Haute was in 1856, and was held in Edmond Genung's grove. The dinner was free and about six hundred persons partook of it. Mr. M. C. Paul was marshal and a Mr. Reed, or Reid, of Oquawka, delivered the oration. The old settlers yet living, who had the pleasure of attending that celebration, join in saying that there was never a better one and they love to call it to mind, and they feel young again in talking over the occasion. It is indeed a blessed thing, when age puts its mark upon us, to call to mind the many joyous days we had when we basked in the sunlight of strength and vigorous manhood.
(Note: It is possible that there was a typo and that the Martin listed above should have been Martha.)

OBIT: La Harper Newspaper, Friday, Sept. 30, 1887, La Harpe, Illinois, Sept. 27 - DIED- Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1887, at 3:30 p.m., at the residence of his son, Joseph Allen, near Terre Haute, Ill., Amasa Allen, aged 99 years 10 months and 4 days.
The deceased was born in the state of Connecticut, November 17, 1787, was married to Miss Susannah Farrington August 16, 1807, at Milford, Otsego county, New York, the officiating clergyman being the Rev. Richardson, of that place. Twelve children were born unto them. They have had 38 grandchildren, 26 of whom are still living, 53 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. Thus representatives of five generations were all living at the same time before his death. His wife died March 11th, 1884 at the age of 92 years 3 months and 18 days, thus they had passed the diamond milestone in life's journey together. Just think of it, living together as man and wife more than the allotted three score and ten years.
In May following his wife's death he made a trip back to New York state to visit his children and relatives. He made the trip alone and returned much elated with his trip and the many notices, which he received on account of his age. He never served in any wars from the fact that he was disabled from military duty when but ten years of age, by receiving a wound in the foot, which permanently disabled him. He saw the "father of his country", Gen. George Washington. His father was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and was taken prisoner at the Battle of Bunker Hill. He died at the age of 88 years and 6 months.
Mr. Allen never used tobacco in any form and but very little intoxicating liquors of any kind and here is a temperance sermon in a nutshell. He moved from Otsego county, New York to this place in the spring of 1855 and during the last 13 years has lived with his son Joseph. He had been bedfast for about two years. He and his wife were both members of the Baptist church. The funeral discourse was preached by Rev. E. O. Raymond. The church was beautifully decorated with evergreens, cut flowers and house plants, and upon the wall was the date 1787 in silver letters, and below that, Amasa Allen in white letters then below that the date 1887 in black letters. The pallbearers were Messrs. Geo. A. Ward, Frisby Sloan, Marvin McKim, James Reynolds, J. S. Negley and the remains were interred in the Terre Haute cemetery.
(Obituary submitted by Marilyn Austin Hothem.)

OBIT: Owego Gazette 17 November 1887, Terre Haute, Illinois
"Almost a Centenarian" - On the 21st of last September, Amasa Allen died at the residence of his son, Joseph Allen, in Terre Haute, Ill., having reached the remarkable age of 99 years, 10 months, and 4 days. He was a brother of Reuben Allen, of Flemingville in this county, who is now 84 years of age; and an uncle of Mrs. L. F. Durussel of this village. He was in Owego three years ago, visiting his relatives. The deceased was born in Connecticut, November 17, 1787, and removed with his parents into the woods of Otsego County, N.Y., in his youth. In the spring of 1855, he removed to Terre Haute, where he resided until his death. He was the father of twelve children, four of whom are still living. He was born two years previous to the inauguration of George Washington as first president of these United States, and distinctly remembered when a lad of seven years of seeing the General on horseback. He never acquired the habit of using tobacco or liquor. At the time of his visit to this county three years ago he came unattended and returned alone.
(Obituary submitted by Marilyn Austin Hothem.)

TOMBSTONE: Terre Haute Cemetery, Henderson County, Illinois.
Allen, Amasa Nov. 17, 1787 - Sept. 21, 1887 - Aged 99 y 10 m 4 d


Amasa married Susannah FARRINGTON, daughter of Ephraim FARRINGTON and Mary Dezire WICKHAM, on 16 Aug 1806 in Milford, Otsego Co, NY.1 (Susannah FARRINGTON was born on 23 Nov 1791 in NY,1 died on 11 Mar 1884 in Terre Haute, Henderson Co, IL 1 and was buried in Terre Haute Cem., Henderson Co, IL 3 4.)



1 Obituary of Susannah Farrington Allen.

2 Obituary of Amasa Allen.

3 (Lake City Pub. Co, Chicago, IL, 1894).

4 Terre Haute Cemetery Records (Henderson Co, IL).

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