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Jeremiah WICKHAM
(Abt 1825-1897)
Michael Adams WICKHAM
Catherine "Katie" McCLURE
Harry Rogers WICKHAM


Family Links

1. Mabel G. COBB

Harry Rogers WICKHAM 3 4

  • Born: 20 Oct 1881, NY 3 4
  • Marriage (1): Mabel G. COBB in Jun 1916 in NY 1 2

bullet  General Notes:

Harry Rodgers Wickham, 286st Johns(?), Brooklyn, Kings Co, NY; 36; b. Oct 20, 1881; employed by Westinghouse Church(?) Co at 37 Fall(?) St, Kings, NY; nearest relative: Mrs. Harry Rogers Wickham (wife), 286st(?) Johns St., Brooklyn, Kings, NY; medium height and build, blue eyes, light brown hair.

1920 NY CENSUS, Monroe Co, Rochester city:
Edna C. Cobb, head, 82, wd, b. NY, parents b. NY, no occupation;
Willard G. Cobb, son, 62, wd, b. NY, parents b. NY, no occupation;
Lottie M, Hungerford(?), dau, 60, wd, b. NY, parents b. NY, no occupation;
Harry R. Wickham, grand-son, 38, married, b. NY, parents b. NY, civil engineer, ship yard;
Mabel G. Wickham, grand-dau., 27, married, b. NY, parents b. NY;
Jean Emily, great grand-dau, 1-2/12, b. NY, parents b. NY.

1930 NY CENSUS, Monroe Co, Rochester city:
Harry Wickham, 49, 1st marriage age 34, b. NY, parents b. NY, photographer, photographer, commercial'
"Mable", wife, 28, 1st marriage age 24, b. NY, parents b. NY;
Jeanne(?), dau, 11, attended school, b. NY, parents b. NY;
Shirley, dau, 9, attended school, b. NY, parents b. NY;
Harriet Queeman(?), lodger, 27, single, b. NY, parents b. NY, teacher, public school;
Ernest Walker, lodger, 23, single, b. NY, parents b. NY, teacher, public school.


Harry married Mabel G. COBB in Jun 1916 in NY.1 2 (Mabel G. COBB was born on 24 Mar 1892 in NY 3 5 and died in Jan 1978 in Henrietta, Monroe Co, NY 5.)



1 1930 NY Census.

2 Arthur Wickham research files.

3 1900 NY Census.

4 WWI Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.

5 Social Security Death Index.

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