Nathanial HEMPHILL
(Abt 1843-1901)
(Abt 1878-Aft 1930)


Family Links

1. Henry PETER


  • Born: Abt 1878, Linn Co, IA 2
  • Marriage (1): Henry PETER about 1897 in probably Linn Co, IA 1
  • Died: Aft 1930, probably Linn Co, IA 3

bullet  General Notes:

1900 IA CENSUS, Linn Co, Otter Creek Twp:
Sarah Peter, Jan 1850, 50, wd, 4 children, 4 living, b. OH, parents b. OH, landlady; son Henry, Nov 1877, 22, married 2 yrs, b. IA, father b Germany, mother b. OH, day laborer (farm); dau.-in-law Maud, Mar 1878, 22, married 2 yrs, 1 child, 1 living, b. I (birthplace of parents not listed); grand dau. Laura M., Apr 1898, 2, b. IA, parents b. IA.

1910 IA CENSUS, Linn Co, Otter Creek Twp:
Henry Peter, 33, 1st marriage, married 12 yrs, b. IA, parents b. Germany, farmer, gen. farm; wife Maud, 32, 1st marriage, married 12 yrs, 5 children, 5 living, b. IA, parents b. OH; dau. Laura M., 12; dau. Esther M., 9; dau. Rosetta, 6; dau. Blanch I., 4; dau. Zerta(?) M., 1; servant Clarence Abbot, 28 (or 23), single, b. IA, parents b. OH, laborer, farm hand. All children were b. IA and parents b. IA. (On same census page as Dock & Alice Hemphill.)

1920 IA CENSUS, Linn Co, Otter Creek Twp:
Henry Peter, 43, b. IA, father b. Baden (Germany), mother b. OH, salesman, tractor; wife "Maude", 42, b. IA, parents b. US; dau. "Ester" M., 18, teacher, school; dau. Rosetta, 15; dau. Blanch I.(?), 13; dau. Zirutta(?) M., 11; dau. Ruth G.(?), 9; dau. Maude S., 6; dau. Leota P., 3; son Frederic R., 6/12. All children were b. IA and parents b. IA.

1925 IA STATE CENSUS, Linn Co, Cedar Rapids city:
Henry Peter, 48, 4th grade education, b. IA, father: Frederick Peter who was b. Germany, mother: Sarah Rauch who was b. IA and married IA, engaged in trade/transportation; wife "Maude", 46, 8th grade education, b. IA, father: Nathan Hemphill who was b. IA, mother: Rachel "Serveson" who was b. IA and married IA, engaged in personal service; dau. Rosetta, 20, single, 8th grade education, engaged in personal service; dau Blanch, 18, singe, 12th grade education; dau. Beretta, 16, single; dau. Ruth, 14; dau. "Maude", 11; dau. Leota, 8; son Fredrick, 5. All children were b. IA, parents: Henry Peter & Maude Hemphill who married IA. All were affiliated with the Christian church.

1930 IA CENSUS, Linn Co, Otter Creek Twp:
Henry "Peters", 53, 1st marriage age 20, b. IA, father b. Germany, mother b. OH; wife "Maud", 52, 1st marriage age 19, b. IA, parents b. IA; dau. "Maud", 17, single; dau. Leota, 14; son Fredrick, 10. All children were b. IA and parents b. IA.


Maud married Henry PETER about 1897 in probably Linn Co, IA.1 (Henry PETER was born on 30 Nov 1876 in IA 4 and died after 1930 in probably Linn Co, IA 3.)



1 1930 WI Census.

2 "1880 IA Census."

3 "1930 IA Census."

4 WWI Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.

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