Elenor "Ellen" VANFOSSEN
William H. WICKHAM
Hattie H. MILLER
(1898-Aft 1958)


Family Links

1. Ralph Lester PIERCE

Bessie B. WICKHAM 2

  • Born: 15 Apr 1898, Bethel Twp, Fayette Co, IA 2 3
  • Marriage (1): Ralph Lester PIERCE about 1919 in IA 1
  • Died: Aft 1958, probably Fayette Co, IA

bullet  General Notes:

IA, COUNTY BIRTHS, 1880-1935:
Name: Bessie Wickham
Event: Birth
Event Date: 15 Apr 1898
Event Place: Bethel, Fayette, Iowa, United States
Gender: Female
Father: William Wickham
Mother: Hattie "Milles"
Certificate Number: 4582
Film Number: 1018347
Digital Folder Number: 4708019
Image Number: 00226

1920 IA CENSUS, Fayette Co, Auburn Twp: Bessie Pierce, sister, 19, married, b. IA, parnets b. IA; dau. Emma Pierce, 1, b. IA, parents b. IA; "Roth" Pierce, 19, married, b. IA, parents b. IA, laborer, day labor. They were living with Roy (Ray?) & Neva Pierce.

1925 IA STATE CENSUS, Fayette Co, Auburn Twp: Ralph "Perce", 25, 8th grade education, b. IA, father: Walter "Perce" who was b. IA, mother: Irma(?) Entwhisle(?) who was b. IA and married IA, engaged in agriculture; wife Bessie, 27, 8th grade education, b. IA, father: Will Wickham who was b. IA, mother: Hattie Miller who was b. IA and married IA; dau. Dorothy, 6; dau. Shirley, 4; dau. "Hariatt", 2. All children were b. IA, father: Ralph "Perce", mother: Bessie Wickham who was married IA. All were Methodist.

1930 IA CENSUS, Fayette Co, Eden Twp.: Ralph Pierce, 30, married age 19, farmer; wife Bessie, 31, married age 20; dau. Dorothy E, 11; dau. Shirly, 9-2/12; son Harrold (?) J., 6; dau. Elaine M, 4-4/12; dau. Donna, 1-5/12. All were b. IA and parents b. IA. (Listed next to them in the census were Archie and Emily Bowers.)


Bessie married Ralph Lester PIERCE about 1919 in IA.1 (Ralph Lester PIERCE was born on 22 Feb 1900 in IA 4 and died in Jan 1972 in Hawkeye, Fayette Co, IA 5.)



1 "1930 IA Census."

2 IA, County Births, 1880-1935.

3 1900 IA Census.

4 WWI Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.

5 Social Security Death Index.

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