(Cal 1760-1851)
Mary Dezire WICKHAM
(Cal 1768-1846)
Elizabeth WOLF


Family Links

1. Elizabeth HARRIS


  • Born: 4 Apr 1831, Milford, Otsego Co, NY 1
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth HARRIS on 23 Mar 1850 in Laurens, Otsego Co, NY 1
  • Died: 30 Sep 1904 2 3
  • Buried: Riverside Cem, Oneonta, Otsego Co, NY 3

bullet  General Notes:

1860 NY CENSUS, Otsego Co, town of Oneonta, Oneonta P.O.:
Jacob Farrington, 29, poultry dealer, $800 real estate, $500 personal property, b. NY;
Elizabeth, 33, house keeper, b. NY;
Mary J., 9, b. NY, attended school;
George, 6, b. NY, attended school.
(Listed next to Jacob & Elizabeth Farrington.)

1870 NY CENSUS, Otsego Co, Oneonta, Oneonta P.O.:
Jacob Farrington, 39, merchant, $9,000 real estate, $1,000 personal property, b. NY'
Elizabeth, 48, keeping house, b. NY;
Mary, 19, attending school, b. NY;
Gracie, 3, b. NY;
Carie(?) Lignor(?), 31, dressmaker, b. NY.

OTSEGO COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY - 1872-1973 - Oneonta, pp 212 (Post Office Addresses in Parentheses)
Farrington, Jacob, (Oneonta) general merchant, Broad

1875 NY STATE CENSUS, Otsego Co, Oneonta:
Frame dwelling, valued at $5000
Samuel Thompson, 43 carpenter, b. Otsego Co;
Mary Thompson, wife, 36, b. Otsego Co;
Belle Thompson, child, 12, b. Otsego Co;
seperate family in same dwelling:
Jacob Farrington, 44, b. Otsego Co, retired grocer, owner of land;
Elizabeth Farrington, wife, 48, b. Otsego Co;
Grace Farrington, child, 8, b. Otsego Co;
Elizabeth Farrington, mother, 80, b. Otsego Co.

1880 NY CENSUS, Otsego Co, Oneonta:
Jacob Farrington, 49, retired merchant, b. NY, parents b. NY;
Elizabeth, wife, 53, keeping house, b. NY, parents b. England;
Grace, dau, 13, attending school, b. NY, parents b. NY;
Frances Harris, sister-in-law, 34, wd, house servant, b. NY, parents b. England;
Lillian Harris, niece, 9, attending school, b. NY, parents b. NY.

1900 NY CENSUS, Otsego Co, Oneonta village:
Jacob Farrington, Jan 1828, 72, married 48 yrs, b. NY, parents b. NY, landlord;
Elizabeth, wife, Nov 1823, 76, married 48 yrs, 3 children, 2 living, b. NY, parents b. NY;
Grace E., dau, Aug 1866, 33, single, b. NY, parents b. NY;
George Cleveland, grandson, Jan 1877, 23, single, b. NY, parents b. NY, electrician.

Name: Jacob Farrington Jr
Birth Date: 1831
Death Date: 1904
Cemetery: Riverside Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Oneonta, Otsego County, New York, USA
Has Bio?: N
Spouse: Elizabeth Farrington
Children: Grace Morenus
George A Farrington

Jacob Farrington, Jr.
Elizabeth Harris
his wife
Grace Farrington Morenus

BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW - Biographical Sketches of the Leading Citizens of Otsego County, New York, Boston, Biographical Review Publishing Co., 1893, p. 713-714:
Jacob Farrington, a retired merchant residing in Oneonta, where he has lived since 1858, was born in the town of Milford, Otsego County, April 4, 1831. He was a young boy when his parents settled on a farm in the town of Oneonta, not far from the village of Onconta, on the Susquehanna River. After the death of his father, he became the owner of the farm, which after some years he sold, and removed to the village. He was for twelve years a general merchant and afterwards a foundryman, carrying on this business for three years, when he was burned out. Since then he has lived for the most part retired from business, still owning, however, some good business property in the town. He has taken an active interest in local affairs, but has never held an office.
He is a son of Jacob Farrington, who was born in Chatham, Columbia Co, N.Y., and grandson of Ephraim Farrington, who was born in the same part of the State in 1794. The father of Ephraim Farrington was one of three brothers, who came from England to America prior to the Revolutionary War, and settled in the vicinity of Chatham, N.Y. The first members of this family who came to the vicinity of Chatham were farmers, but Ephraim had one brother who was a potter, having at one time carried on a large business in that line. Ephraim Farrington was brought up a farmer boy, and was married near Chatham to Miss Mary Wickham. Some years afterward, about 1805, he remove to Otsego County, and settled in the wilderness of the town of Milford, where he improved a farm, and on this farm both he and his wife died, he at the age of ninety-three, and she at the age of eighty-four. They were well known to their neighbors as excellent people, and kind to all. Jacob Farrington has a walking cane which was cut by his grandfather, Ephraim, and which he values very highly as a relic.
Jacob Farrington, the father of the subject of this sketch, was one of a family of seven children, five daughters and two sons, all but one of whom lived to be old men and women, one having been more than ninety-three, and another past eighty, at the time of their death. All are now deceased. Jacob grew up a farmer from the time he was nine years of age. After the death of his father he became the owner of a portion of the homestead. He also owned a tract of land adjoining, and upon this farm he lived until his removal to the town of Oneonta, where he followed farming until he was accidently killed, August 26, 1861, by the caving in of a heavy embankment while digging a ditch that was about twelve feet deep. His death was instantaneous. He was the father of five children, three of whom were girls. Four of these five children are still living. Mr. Farrington was an honest and upright man, and was highly esteemed. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. His wife survived him, and died in Oneonta at the home of her son, January 29, 1876, when eighty-one years of age. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Wolf, and she was born in the town of Oneonta, on what is known as the South Side, where she lived until her marriage. She was the daughter of Jacob and Margaret (Leopard) Wolf, the former of whom was born in Germany, and came to America with his parents when small. His father served as a Revolutionary soldier, and was taken prisoner by the Indians, carried into Canada by them, and with great difficulty made his escape. He returned to Fort Plain, N.Y., and in the latter part of the last century moved from the Mohawk Valley to Otsego County, secured a farm in the town of Onconta, and on this farm lived and died, as did also his wife, both when well advanced in years.
Jacob Farrington, the subject of this sketch, was the older of the two sons. He was married in the town of Laurens, Otsego County, March 23, 1850, to Miss Elizabeth Harris. She was born in the town of Butternuts, but grew to womanhood in the town of Laurens. She is a daughter of John and Jane (Herring) Harris, natives respectively of Warwickshire and Yorkshire, England. Both came from England with their parents when young, grew to maturity in this country, and were married in Laurens, Otsego County and lived there on a farm until Mrs. Harris died, in 1849, at the age of forty-three. Mr. Harris was again married, to Margaret Baldwin, nee Wolf, and afterwards they removed to Croton, Delaware County, and lived on a farm there until Mr. Harris died, in March, 1881, at the age of seventy-eight years and six months. His second wife died March 2, 1893. Mrs. Farrington, wife of Jacob Farrington, is the eldest of a family of four sons and six daughters, of whom nine are yet living. Two brothers, William and John, were soldiers throughout the war of the Rebellion. William as injured from the long march and charge upon the enemy, falling exhausted at Gettysburg, and was sent home on a furlough, but soon afterwards died, when yet hardly of age. He had fought in five hard battles without receiving a scratch.
Mr. Farrington and his wife are the parents of three children, vis: George, who died when nine years of age; Mary F., who is a skilled artist, having been a student in the leading art school of New York, Boston and Washington, D. C.; she now has a fine studio at Binghamton, and enjoys much more than a local reputation. She is the wife of James B. Cleveland, for years a druggist in Oneonta, an ex-clerk of the Treasury Department and Custom House in Washington, D. C., an ex-soldier, and now an insurance agent of Oneonta. They are the parents of one son, George F., who lives with his grandparents; he is a bright boy of sixteen years. Grace E. received her education in the Union Schools of Oneonta, and is residing at home. Mr. Farrington, his wife and daughter are members of the First Baptist Church, and Mr. Farrington is a Prohibitionist in politics.
(Note: Ephraim Farrington's birthdate of 1794 must be incorrect. Could it be that this is actually the birthdate of his son Jacob?)


Jacob married someone Elizabeth HARRIS on 23 Mar 1850 in Laurens, Otsego Co, NY.1 (Elizabeth HARRIS was born in Nov 1823 in Butternuts, Otsego Co, NY,1 4 died on 31 Dec 1902 2 3 and was buried in Riverside Cem, Oneonta, Otsego Co, NY 3.)



1 (Boston, 1893).

2 Info from John C. Harris.

3 Find A Grave.

4 1900 NY Census.

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