Archibald LEACH 1 2
- Born: Abt 1838, IN 1
- Marriage (1): (---) ORSBORN
- Died: 11 Mar 1907, Monona Co, IA 3
General Notes:
1850 IN CENSUS, Deleware Co, Washington Twp: James Leach, b. OH, and Mary Leach, b. KY, were listed with their sons: "Archibold", 12, William, 6, "Rubin", 4, and Geo. W., 5/12 and other children. All of their sons were b. IN.
1860 IN CENSUS, Delaware Co, Washington Twp, Wheeler P.O.: "Archibold" Leach, 21, b. IN appears to be living with his parents, James & Mary Leach, and brothers William, Reuben and George.
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS: Name: Archibald Leach Residence: Sullivan County, Indiana Enlistment Date: 14 Oct 1864 Side Served: Union State Served: Indiana Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 14 October 1864. Drafted into Company G, 29th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 14 Oct 1864. Mustered Out Company G, 29th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 2 Dec 1865 at Marietta, GA.
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR REGIMENTS: REGIMENT: 29th Infantry Regiment Indiana Date of Organization: 27 Aug 1861 Muster Date: 2 Dec 1865 Regiment State: Indiana Regiment Type: Infantry Regiment Number: 29th Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 4 Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 4 Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 56 Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 240 Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers
Regimental History Twenty-ninth Infantry INDIANA (3 years)
Twenty-ninth Infantry. Cols., John F. Miller, David M. Dunn, Samuel O. Gregory, Lieut.-Cols., David M. Dunn, Joseph P. Collins, Samuel O. Gregory, Charles Ream, Majs., Henry J. Blowney Joseph P. Collins, James H. M. Jenkins, Henry G. Davis, C. Perry Butler.
This regiment was organized at Laporte and was mustered in on Aug. 27 1861. It left the state on Oct. 9, and joined Gen. Rousseau's command at Camp Nevin, Ky. from which place it moved with the army to the vicinity of Munfordville. It took part in a movement upon Bowling Green in Feb. 1862, and moved with McCook's division to the Tennessee, participating in the second day's battle of Shiloh, where it was under fire for 5 hours and lost heavily.
It took an active part in the siege of Corinth and then moved with Buell's army through northern Alabama and Tennessee, following Bragg through Kentucky. It accompanied Rosecrans' army in the movement towards Murfreesboro and participated in the battle of Stone's River with severe losses.
It remained at Murfreesboro until May, then moved to Tullahoma, and afterwards to Chattanooga, being engaged at Triune and Liberty Gap in June. It was in the battle of Chickamauga, where it sustained a loss of 170 in killed and wounded -- one-half the number engaged.
It was then stationed at Bridgeport, Ala., where it reenlisted as a veteran organization, Jan. 1, 1864, and visited home on furlough. On its return it was stationed at Chattanooga until December and was then moved to Decatur, Ala., being engaged in a skirmish Dec. 27.
It then returned to Chattanooga and remained there until May 1865, when it moved to Dalton, GA, and was in a skirmish with the enemy there. Subsequently it was stationed at Marietta. Col. Miller was commissioned brigadier-general Jan. 5, 1864, being succeeded as colonel by Lieut.-Col. Dunn.
The regiment was mustered out Dec. 2, 1865. Its original strength was 936; gain by recruits, 990; reenlistments, 204; total, 2,130. Loss by death, 293; desertion, 63; unaccounted for, 49
Source: The Union Army, vol. 3
Chickamagua after battle report: Report of Lieut. Col. David M. Dunn., Twenty-ninth Indiana Infantry.
HDQRS. 20TH REGT. INDIANA VOLUNTEERS, Chattanooga, Tenn., September 27, 1863 SIR: I herewith hand you, as per your order, my report of the part taken by the Twenty-ninth Regt. Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the battle of the 19th and 20th instant, near Crawfish Spring, Ga.
This regiment, after marching 200 miles (after leaving Tullahoma), arrived and encamped at the foot of Lookout Mountain, at rejoined the division, and relieved the Thirty-second Indiana on picket duty about 4 a. m.
On the morning of the 19th instant I was ordered to withdraw my pickets silently, and to act as rear guard to the brigade into camp.
After arriving in camp and drawing rations we took the advance of the brigade toward the left of our army, where heavy cannonading could be distinctly heard. We marched about 12 miles, when we arrived in rear of Gen. Thomas' line of battle (about 1 p. m.), upon which the enemy was making a heavy attack. Our brigade was directed to relieve Gen. Hazen's brigade. My regiment, being on the right and front, was soon deployed, and I was ordered to charge the enemy at double-quick. I gave the order, and the men rushed forward cheering lustily, and never stopped until they had routed the enemy from his temporary fortifications, killing many and taking a large number of prisoners. We pursued them about 1 1/2 miles, when we were ordered to halt, having no protection on our right from a flank movement of the enemy. After we halted our brigade was again formed in two lines, my regiment in the first line and on the left of the brigade (the two regiments forming the second line at the commencement of the engagement having been brought to the front in our pursuit of the enemy participated freely in the fight), my left resting on the supposed right of the Eighty-ninth Illinois volunteers. We remained in this position, having our front protected by a line of skirmishers, until near the close of the evening, receiving occasional shots of musketry and grape from the enemy. About dark my regiment was relieved and placed in the second line, and joined to the Thirty-second Indiana on the left. We were lying in this position, when shortly after dark we were all startled by a furious attack of the enemy on our front and right flank. The attack was so sudden, though not unexpected that my men became somewhat confused, but immediately regained their places in line and assisted in silencing the fire of the enemy. I was then ordered to move my regiment to the right to protect our flank. I remained in this position until about 9 p. m., when we returned into camp in rear of First Brigade. On the morning of the 20th instant built breastworks in front of our line as we were encamped (being in reserve), and remained there until about half past 10 a. m., the enemy attacking our first line and being repulsed. About half past 10 a. m. our line was changed, forming to the front on the left company, and marched forward about 200 yards and joined on the left of the Sixteenth Regulars. While in this position we poured a galling fire in the enemy's attacking column, that passed our front about 100 or 150 yards' distant, disorganizing them very much. They tried to plant a battery but were prevented by our well-directed fire. We then moved back about 15 rods and formed in rear of the Second Ohio, and built breastworks. In this position we were very much annoyed by sharpshooters, and remained in this position until 4 p. m. when the enemy came up in our front and poured into us a very destructive fire of musketry and artillery. We, however, held the enemy in check until ordered to retreat, and fell back over an open field under a severe fire from the enemy. We reformed on a hill three-quarters of a mile to our rear, and marched from there to camp near Rossville, in charge of Capt. J. H. M. Jenkis.
Our losses are as follows: First day-killed, 9; wounded, 69; missing, 35. Second day-killed, 2; wounded, 22; missing 33. Total, 170.
I cannot speak too highly of both officers and men, and must notice especially the praiseworthy conduct of Maj. Collins and Capt. J. H. M. Jenkiss.
I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, D. M. DUNN, Lieut.-Col., Comdg. Regt.
Capt. E. P. EDSALL, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Second Brigade.
Source: Official Records CHAP. XLII.] THE CHICKAMAUGA CAMPAIGN. PAGE 559-50 [Series I. Vol. 30. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 50.]
Battles Fought Fought on 7 Apr 1862 at Shiloh, TN. Fought on 9 May 1862 at Corinth, MS. Fought on 31 Dec 1862 at Stones River, TN. Fought on 1 Jan 1863 at Stones River, TN. Fought on 24 Aug 1863 at Bellfonte, AL. Fought on 19 Sep 1863 at Chickamauga, GA. Fought on 20 Sep 1863 at Chickamauga, GA.
1880 IA CENSUS, Monona Co, Center Twp: "Archable" Leach, 42, wd, farmer, b. IN, father b. OH, mother b. KY; son "Mackdenel", 14, b. IN, parents b. IN; son James W., 10, b. IN, parents b. IN. (On census, listed next to the Reuben Leach family and James & Mary Leach.)
CIVIL WAR PENSION INDEX: GENERAL INDEX TO PENSION FILES, 1861-1934: Archibald Leach, G 29 Ind. Inf. filed for an invalid pension on Nov 19, 1881 from Iowa.
Archibald married (---) ORSBORN.