Ananias W. ARCHER 3
- Born: 5 Oct 1841, OH 3
- Marriage (1): Hannah (---) about 1862 in probably OH 1
- Marriage (2): Phoebe Esther WICKHAM about 1932 in probably Noble Co, OH 2
- Died: 22 Jan 1932, Center Twp, Noble Co, OH 3
- Buried: 25 Jan 1932, Sarahsville Cem., Center Twp, Noble Co, OH 3
General Notes:
James M. F. Taylor Wickham and Weeden Wickham also served in the same company and regiment as Ananias Archer during the Civil War. However, James and Weeden both died during the war.
AMERICIAN CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS: Name: Ananias Archer Enlistment Date: 29 Feb 1864 Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 29 February 1864 at the age of 23. Enlisted in Company I, 20th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 29 Feb 1864. Mustered Out Company I, 20th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 15 Jul 1865.
AMERICAN CIVIL WAR REGIMENTS: REGIMENT: 20th Infantry Regiment Ohio Date of Organization: 1 Sep 1861 Muster Date: 15 Jul 1865 Regiment State: Ohio Regiment Type: Infantry Regiment Number: 20th Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 2 Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 4 Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 87 Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 267 Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers
Regimental History OHIO TWENTIETH INFANTRY (Three Years)
Twentieth Infantry. - (Three Years' Service.) Cols., Charles Whittlesey, Manning F. Force; Lieut.-Cols., James N. McElroy, John G Fry, Harrison Wilson; Majs., Edward C. Downs, Francis M. Shaklee, Peter Weatherby. This regiment was organized at Columbus, from Aug. 19 to Sept. 21, 1861, to serve for three years. During the winter it was employed in guarding several batteries in the rear of Covington and Newport, Ky.
In Feb.,1862 it participated in the battle of Fort Donelson, Tenn., with no little credit to every man. It also participated in the battle of Shiloh, with considerable loss and it is fully entitled to a share in the glory of that victory. On Aug. 30, 1862, the Confederate Gen. Armstrong, with fifteen regiments marching to destroy railroad communications northward, was held in check the entire day at Bolivar, Tenn., by the 20th Ohio, a portion of the 78th Ohio, and two companies of the 2nd Ill. cavalry. The regiment assisted in driving Price from Iuka, and in the engagement between Hurlburt and Price at Big Hatchie river, it arrived on the field at 4 p. m., with a wagon train loaded with supplies, having marched 28 miles since 10 a. m.
The regiment moved south the following spring, and in the battle of Raymond, Miss., distinguished itself losing in the engagement 12 killed and 52 wounded. At Champion's hill, though the adjoining regiments on each flank were pushed back as the enemy moved up in mass, the 2Oth held its ground without wavering till its ammunition was exhausted, then fixed bayonets and prepared to maintain its position, but the 65th Ohio came to its assistance from the reserve and the enemy was driven back. Crossing the Big Black river, the regiment reached the rear of Vicksburg and acted as support to the assaulting party.
After the fall of Vicksburg it camped at Bovina Station, but was shortly ordered to join Sherman's army besieging Jackson. In Jan., 1864, two-thirds of the men present re-enlisted, and in February the regiment crossed the Big Black and joined the celebrated Meridian expedition.
After being furloughed home, the regiment joined Sherman's army in the Atlanta campaign and was engaged in the assault upon Kennesaw mountain. It marched with its corps to the mouth of Nickajack creek and a few days later reached the Confederate works before Atlanta. In the engagement of July 22, the regiment lost 44 killed, 56 wounded and 54 missing, and instances of personal daring were numerous.
In the battle of Jonesboro the regiment was on the left of the 15th corps at a right-angle to the main line as "refused flank," and in this position was greatly annoyed by a heavy artillery fire. On Sept. 2 it took position on a hill near Lovejoy's Station, where it remained for several days, exposed to some annoyance from the enemy's sharpshooters, and finally settled down in camp on the East Point road near Atlanta.
It left Atlanta with Sherman's army; participated in the siege of Savannah; then up through the Carolinas until the surrender of Lee and Johnston put an end to its war career. Leaving Raleigh on May 1, the regiment marched via Richmond to Washington; thence was sent to Louisville, Ky., and then to Columbus, where it was mustered out on July 15, 1865.
Source: The Union Army, vol. 2
Shiloh after battle report: Report of Lieut. Col. Manning F. Force, Twentieth Ohio Infantry.
CAMP SHILOH, April 25, 1862. CAPT.: The Twentieth Ohio, under my command (Col. Whittlesey commanding the brigade), arrived after dark from Adamsville at the camp of the Eighty-first Ohio, near Pittsburg Landing. It was posted for the night on the northern slope of a ravine, and there lay on their arms in line of battle till morning. My picket, in taking post, encountered a mounted picket of the enemy, who hastily withdrew.
Changing the position of the picket, at the beginning of dawn I went on the high land on the opposite side of the ravine with the lieutenant of the guard and there found one of the rebel pickets. Returning, the regiment took post as ordered by Col. Whittlesey; Company D, Capt. McElroy, was stationed in a log house outside of the extreme right and the other companies drawn in line in a slight hollow. The enemy promptly began fire with musketry and hollow shot, but soon ceased.
The brigade then marched across the ravine in line; the Twentieth, on the left and in the rear as a reserve, advanced across an open field and into the woods, keeping to the right of the Second Brigade and at the extreme right of our army. Company A, Capt. William Rogers, was sent in advance as skirmishers, and the brigade halted on the crest of a steep hill, where the enemy's guns, at 800 yards, opened an occasional fire upon us, but the men being kept lying down behind the crest, only one man (a private of Company K) was wounded.
Under an order from Col. Whittlesey bayonets were fixed and the regiment (with the Seventy-sixth) marched down the hill and along a valley filled with morass and almost impenetrable thicket toward the battery which had played upon us. This valley was evidently regarded as impracticable and as a sufficient defense. While in that position, however, some loud command drew attention and we were fired upon with spherical case shot. Only one (a private of company K) was wounded. The battery withdrew before we emerged upon high ground. Here we were halted near Gen. Sherman's camp, while one of his brigades (Col. Stuart's) filed by to take part in the very hot contest then raging in front. Company A, having taken two prisoners, here took its place in the battalion.
Word coming to the brigade for assistance, we were marched by the flank to the right and then forward toward the firing. Just then, sharp firing suddenly breaking out still farther to the right, we were again marched by the flank to the right. Here, the Seventy-sixth being ordered to take place temporarily in another brigade, the Twentieth continued alone. Approaching an open field and taking a prisoner, apparently stationed as a picket a section of brass field pieces stationed there opened upon us with round shot and canister. The regiment marching steadily on with fixed bayonets, the enemy, after two or three rounds, limbered up and galloped off as we reached the inclosure. Capt. William Rogers, of Company A, was struck in his shoulder and obliged to withdraw. No one else was struck.
We were then ordered into the field, in order to take upon the flank a column of the enemy which was expected to retreat in that direction. While the battalion was here lying on the ground sharpshooters kept up a fire upon the field officers. I sent a detachment of Company A, who killed 1, captured 1, and dispersed the rest, and reported that the gunshad withdrawn to a camp (camp of the Forty-sixth Ohio) and were then moving into a new position.
The battalion was withdrawn from the field and ordered to lie flat upon the ground behind a three-railed fence. A severe and exceedingly well-aimed fire was opened upon us by the guns now placed in the woods across the open field. Muskets and bayonets at all exposed were bent and snapped off; my sword was struck, but the men were so well sheltered that but 1 was killed and 10 were wounded.
The Twentieth forming the extreme right of the army and exposed to be flanked I changed front of the two right companies, making their right rest near a ravine at the rear and their left near the remainder of the battalion, and sent out a party of skirmishers and scouts, under command of First Lieut. Ayres, now commanding Company A. This party sent in as prisoners 3 officers and 15 men.
Three pieces of artillery brought up by Col. Whittlesey putting an end to all contest at this quarter, the Twentieth took its place in the division, which was then formed into one line of battle, and thus advanced into the country some distance beyond the outer line of the encampment.
Obtaining permission, I sent Company A, Lieut. Ayres commanding, a mile in advance, to pick up stragglers of the enemy. He came upon a hospital filled with wounded rebels, attended by five rebel surgeons: saw a detachment of cavalry burning a large subsistence train, and was just deploying into the woods when he was recalled, in consequence of the order for the division to fall back within the lines for the night.
One private slipped out of the ranks unobserved. With this exception every officer and man behaved admirably. Every order was executed as promptly and quietly as upon a parade ground. I can particularize only Maj. J. N. McElroy, for his valuable assistance in commanding the regiment, and First Lieut. L. N. Ayres, of Company A, for efficient service in handling skirmishers and scouts. A list of casualties and prisoners taken is appended.*
I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, M. F . FORCE. ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GEN. Third Brigade, Third Division. _________ * These lists show 1 man killed, 1 officer and 11 men wounded, and 1 man missing. Also 3 officers and 18 men captured from the enemy
Source: Official Records: Series I. Vol. 10. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 10
Battles Fought by 20th OH Infantry: Fought on 15 Feb 1862 at Fort Donelson, TN Fought on 6 Apr 1862 at Shiloh, TN Fought on 7 Apr 1862 at Shiloh, TN Fought on 30 Aug 1862 at Middleburg, TN Fought on 30 Aug 1862 at Bolivar, TN Fought on 12 May 1863 at Raymond, MS Fought on 16 May 1863 at Champion Hills, MS Fought on 16 May 1863 at Champion Hills, MS Fought on 23 May 1863 at Vicksburg, MS Fought on 24 May 1863 at Near Vicksburg, MS Fought on 25 May 1863 at Vicksburg, MS Fought on 27 May 1863 at Raymond, MS Fought on 12 Jun 1863 at Vicksburg, MS Fought on 13 Jun 1863 at Vicksburg, MS Fought on 24 Jun 1863 Fought on 26 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA Fought on 1 Jul 1864 at Atlanta, GA Fought on 22 Jul 1864 at Atlanta, GA Fought on 10 Aug 1864 at Near Atlanta, GA Fought on 2 Sep 1864 at Lovejoy Station, GA Fought on 4 Sep 1864 at Lovejoy Station, GA Fought on 13 Dec 1864 at Savannah, GA Fought on 16 Jan 1865 at Pocotaligo, SC Fought on 5 Mar 1865 at Rockingham, NC Fought on 21 Mar 1865 at Goldsboro, NC Fought on 10 Apr 1865 at Pine Level, NC
CIVIL WAR PENSION INDEX, GENERAL INDEX TO PENSION FILES, 1861-1934: Ananias Archer, Comp I 20th OH Inf. applied for an invalid pension in Dec 1888(?) from Ohio.
1870 OH CENSUS, Noble Co, Center Twp: Ananias Archer, 29, farmer, b. OH; Martha, 28, b. OH; Ellis(?), 3, b. OH; Martha Eviliger, 21, domestic servant, b. OH.
1880 OH CENSUS, Noble Co, Stock Twp: Ananias Archer, 37, farmer, b. OH, father b. MD, mother b. OH; wife Emma B., 21, b. OH, parents b. OH; son Ellis, 13, b. OH, parents b. OH; dau. Amy A., 9, b. OH, parents b. OH; dau. Martha M., 3, b. OH, parents b. OH; dau. Nancy A., 3/12, b. Feb., b. OH, parents b. OH; mother-by-law "Malisse" Enochs, 42, wd, b. OH, father b. VA, mother .b PA; sister-by-law Mary E. Enochs, 16, single, b. OH, father b. VA, mother b. OH; sister-by-law 10, b. OH, father b. VA, mother b. OH.
1900 OH CENSUS, Ananias W. Archer, Oct 1841, 58, married 38 yrs, b. OH, parents b. OH, grocery; wife Hannah, Sep 1836, 61, married 38 yrs, 1 child, 1 living, b. OH, parents b. PA.
1910 OH CENSUS, Noble Co, Center Twp, Sarahsville village; "Anannias" W. Archer, 68, 1st marriage, married 36 yrs, b. OH, parents b. OH, own income: wife Hannah, 79, 2nd marriage, 1 child, 1 living, b. OH, parents b. PA.
1920 OH CENSUS, Noble Co, Sarahsville: A. W. Archer, 77, wd, b. OH, parents b. OH, broom maker.
DEATH CERTIFICATE: Ananias Archer; married; wife: "Pheoba" Archer; retired merchant; served in Army or Navy; b. Oct 5, 1841 in OH; father: Jacob Archer who was b. OH; mother: Rachel Davis who was b. OH; d. Jan 22, 1932 in Center Twp, Noble Co, OH of "appolexy"; 90 yrs, 3 mo, 18 days; burial: Sarahsville Cem, Jan 25(?), 1932; informant: Mrs. Wallace Kirk of Zanesville, Muskingum Co, OH.
Ananias married Hannah (---) about 1862 in probably OH.1
Ananias next married Phoebe Esther WICKHAM, daughter of Jacob WICKHAM and Urithe WELLS, about 1932 in probably Noble Co, OH.2 (Phoebe Esther WICKHAM was born on 1 Jan 1867 in Enoch Twp, Noble Co, OH,4 died on 25 Feb 1934 in Caldwell, Enoch Twp, Noble Co, OH 4 and was buried on 27 Feb 1934 in Archer's Ridge Cem, Enoch Twp, Noble Co, OH 4.)