(Bef 1755-Bet 1820/1830)


Family Links

1. Mary (---)


  • Born: 21 Jul 1762, Stanford, Dutchess Co, NY 1
  • Marriage (1): Mary (---) about 1782 in Dutchess Co, NY
  • Died: 30 Nov 1844, Coeymans, Albany Co, NY 2

bullet  General Notes:

Betty Fink & Jon Acker provided some of the information on Daniel Wickham and his descendants.

PARENTAGE: There is no actual proof that Daniel is a son of John, but he lived near Reuben Wickham and they are assumed, by many genealogists, to be brothers.

BIRTHPLACE: According to Genealogical Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files, Daniel Wickham was born in what is now Stanford in Dutchess Co., NY. According to Wiklipedia, Stanford was first settled around 1750. The town was part of the Great Nine Partners Patent of 1697. The town of Stanford was formed in 1793 from the town of Washington, which was formed in 1788. (To the north of the Great Nine Partners Patent is the Little Nine Rivers Patent formed in 1705 and to the south is the Beekman Patent formed in 1703.)

Heading: Dutchess County Militia -- Sixth Regiment
Rank: Enlisted Men
Names: Benjamin Wickham; Benjamin Wickham, Jr.; Daniel Wickham
p. 242:
Heading: Dutchess County Militia (Land Bounty Rights) Third Regiment (Enlistees mainly from Pawling, Beekman and Souteast)
Rank: Enlisted Men
Names: Daniel Wickham; John Wickham

ADDITIONAL CHILDREN: From the censuses below, it appears that Daniel may have 2 sons and 1 daughter that have not been identified. Could the sons be Reuben D. Wickham and/or Elias Wickham who were listed as living Coeymans in later census?)

1790 NY CENSUS, Dutchess Co, Pawling Twp:
Daniel Wickham:
1 m. over 16 (Daniel)
5 m. under 16
3 females (Mary, Elizabeth & ?)
(Note: Unsure if this is the correct Daniel Wickham. Vieve Metcalfe reports that the Daniel Wickham in Pawling Twp. was the son of John Wickham and Thankful Briggs.)

1800 NY CENSUS, Albany Co, Coeymans town:
Daniel Wickham:
2 m. under 10 (Ezekiel? & Jeremiah?)
1 m. 10-15 (?)
1 m. 45 & older (Daniel)
1 f. under 10 (Elizabeth?)
1 f. 26-44 (Mary)
(Listed near "Abemiel" Robbins & Christopher Sickles on census.)
(Note: According to the "NY Genealogical & Biographical Society" web-site: Coeymans was formed in 1791 from Watervliet (West District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck) in Albany County.)

1810 NY CENSUS, Albany Co, Coeymans town:
Daniel Wickham:
1 m. 10-15 (Jeremiah?)
1 m. 16-25 (Ezekiel?)
1 m. 45 & over (Daniel)
2 f. under 10 (Mary? & ?)
2 f., 16-25 (Elizabeth?)
1 f. 45 & over (Mary)
(Listed nearby on the census were Reuben Wickham, Nathan Robbins, Reuben Robbins, Wm. Sickler, Reuben Green, Nicholas Green, Jeremiah Green & Wm. Green.)

1830 NY CENSUS, Albany Co, Coeymans town:
Daniel "Wickum":
1 m. 60-70 (Daniel)
1 f. 60-70 (Mary)
(Listed near Reuben "Wickum", "Urene Wickum" & Daniel Green on census.)

Genealogical Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files by Virgil D. White:
Daniel Wickham, NY Line, S11798, sol. was b. 21 Jul 1762 at Stanford in Dutchess Co, NY and he lived there when he enl., he appl. 4 Oct 1832 in Albany Co, NY a res. of Coeymans NY, in 1832 a Reuben "Wickes" was a res. of Coeymans NY but no kinship to sol was given.

State of New York, Albany County ss On this 4th day of October 1832 personally appeared before Joseph B. Moore a Judge of the County Courts of the County of Albany and States aforesaid Daniel Wickham a resident of the town of Coeymans in the County of Albany and State of New York aged 70 years and upwards, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
He entered the said service in the County of Dutchess in the now town of Stanford /as he belives/ in the State of New York where he was born and where he then resided as a volunteer and joined Capt. Roger Sutherlands Company and Colo. Hopkins regiment in the month of April in the year 1778 for the term of three months and was immediately marched to Fishkill, in the said company and regiment, and from there went down the Hudson River by water to West Point, and continued at West Point and was engaged in building forts and fortifications at that place, until his three months expired, which was on the 12th of July 1778, at which time he received a written discharge and returned home to the County of Dutchess.
He again entered the said service at Stanford aforesaid having been classed and he was hired to go for his class for the term of three months. He joined the said Capt Sutherlands Company and Col. Hopkins regiment about the last of August or first of September 1778 and was immediately marched to Fishkill where he staid and kept guard a short time, and was then marched to Verplanks points further down and on the east side of the Hudson river, where he was stationed, and was engaged in cutting wood for the regular Army about two or three weeks, and was then marched back to Fishkill where he staid and kept guard until his term of three months expired and was discharged in writing at Fishkill on the first of December 1778 and then returned home.
He served as a private soldier during both of the above mentioned campaigns.
In the year 1780 in the month of March he removed from Dutchess County to the said town of Coeymans in the said County of Albany where he has resided ever since.
He again entered the said service at the said town of Coeymans and enlisted as a private soldier about the first of April in the year 1782 in Capt. Joseph Harrison, Company in Colonel Willets regiment of New York States ____or troops for the term of nine months and was immediately marched in the said company to the now town of Middleburgh in the County of Schoharie and thee joined the said regiment, and was stationed at the Middle Fort where he continued and kept guard until he was discharged, which was on the 25th day of December 1782. He did not at this time receive a written discharge.
He was in actual service in an embodied(?) corps in the whole one year and three months for which he claims a pension. He was in no battles, and the two written discharges which he received were both burnt and destroyed.
While he was stationed at West Point as he has above stated he frequently saw and knew Earl(?) Putman, Emil McDougal and other officers and while he was at Fishkill and Verplanke points he knew a Major Hill who was a militia officer and Major Paine, there was two other Militia regiments stationed at Fishkill besides the one he belonged to, and they were all under the command of Genl. James Clinton(?), he also saw Gov.(?) George Clinton there. He also knew Colo. Duhois(?) Holz(?) of Van(?) Schaick(?), - and a number of other officers whose names he does not now recollect. He remembers however Capt Hamtramck(?).
He was born in the 21st day of July in the year 1762 and had a record of his age which was burnt up with his house about forty years ago.
The two written discharges which he received were signed as he thinks and believes by Colo. Hopkins.
There is no clergyman now living in his neighborhood or vicinity who knows or has heard anything about his services in the Revolutionary war that he knows of, except the Revd. Reuben Stanton who is now very old and infirm and is wholly incapable of making a certificate and who is expected to live but a short time.
He is well know to Henry Niles(?) Esqr., John Bladget(?), Archibald Stevens Esqr., John Wittrick(?), Isaac Withcok(?), Thomas Witbeck(?), Jedediah Davis & Stephen Haines, who are now living in his neighborhood and who can testify to his character for veracity and their belief of his services as a soldier of the revolution.
He resides about 20 miles from the city of Albany where the Courts of Record for the said County of Albany are held and that he is wholly unable to travel that distance to attend the Court by reason of bodily infirmity, that he has a disease called the leprosy which entirely disables him having affected his limbs and eyes and has nearly destroyed his eyesight.
He has no documentary evidence, nor does he know of any person he can procure to testify to his services except Reuben Wickham who has made an affidavit here to annexed(?) although he has made diligent enquiry for other witnesses.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state that he is unable to write his name having never been taught to write.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid
Daniel (his X mark) Wickham
Before me J. B. Moore Judge of Albany County Courts

State of New York, Albany County, ss Reuben Wickham residing in the town of Coeymans in the county of Albany and State aforesaid aged 63 years and upwards, being duly sworn deposes and says, that he well knows Daniel Wickham the soldier who has subscribed(?) and sworn to the declaration hereto annexed, and has known him ever since he this deponent was a small boy and know him perfectly well during the revolutionary war. And this deponent on his oath aforesaid further says, that he well recollects that the said Daniel Wickham went from home in the month of April 1778 and entered the service of the United States for the term of three months and always understood that he belonged to Capt. Sutherland's Company and Colo Hopkins Regt. and knows that he was gone from home the said term of three months and well understood at the time and versify(?) believes to be true, that he went to West Point and served at that place as a private soldier until the month of July 1778 as he has stated in his said declaration - And this deponent further says that he well remembers that the said Daniel Wickham again left his home as has stated in his said declaration in his class for the term of three months in the latter part of the year 1778 and as he stris(?) deponent always understood joined the same company and regiment and went to Fishkill and Verplanks Point and continued there until December 1778 and then returned home after having lived(?) the last mentioned three months as a private soldier.
And this deponent further says that he well knows that the said Daniel Wickham removed from Dutchess County to the town of Coeymans in the County of Albany as he has stated in the year 1780 where he has resided ever since. And further that he this deponent well knows that the said Daniel Wickham again entered the said service in the spring of the year 1782 and went to Schohamie(?) and continued there untill late in the fall and after snow fall, and well understood at the time and vericly(?) believes and has no doubt that he belonged to Cap Harrisons Company and Colo Willets regiment and that he served in the same company and regiment as a private solider about the term of nine months - And this deponent further says that the said Daniel Wickham is a man of truth and veracity and is entitled to full credit and belief and that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides, and always has been reputed and believed to have been a soldier of the revolution ever since the war.
Reuben Wickham (signature)
Sworn and Subscribed this 4th day of October 1832 before me
J. B. Moore Judge of Albany County Courts

We Isaac Witbeck residing in the town of Coeymans in the County of Albany and State of New York and Stephen Haines residing in the said town of Coeymans and the County &state aforesaid hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Daniel Wickham who has subscribed and sworn to the foregoing declaration, that we believe him to be 70 years of age and upwards, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution, and that we concur in that opinion.
Isaac Witbeck (signature)
Stephen Haines (signature)
Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid Before me, J. B. Moore Judge, Albany County Courts

State of New York, Albany County SS. And I the subscribed a Judge of the County Courts of the County signature Albany do hereby certify and declare my opinion after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogatories as prescribed by the War Department, that the abovenamed applicant was a revolutionary solder and served as he states - And I do further certify that I am well acquainted with Reuben Wickham who has subscribed & sworn to the forgoing affidavit, also with Isaac Witbeck & Stephen Haines who have signed the preceding certificate that they reside in the said town of Coeymans, are all credible persons and that their statement is entitled to creditability and I also certify that the said applicant cannot attend the court by reason of bodily infirmity - In witness whereof I have hereunto set by hand the day and year aforesaid.
J. B. Moore.

LETTER TO BUREAU OF PENSIONS BY J. B. MOORE, Rensselaerville, New York, May 22, 1833. (He again sent papers in support of the application of a pension for Daniel Wickham. He mentioned an objection that had been made and resolved.)
(Note: The left side of the letter was cut off on the copy I have.)

County: Albany
Name: Daniel Wickham
Rank: Private
Annual Allowance: $50
Sums Received: $125
Description of service: New York militia
When placed on the pension roll: Aug. 13, 1818
Commencement of pension: Mar 4, 1831
Age: 71

1840 NY CENSUS, Albany Co, Coeymans town:
Daniel Green:
1 m. 10-15
1 m. 15-20
1 m. 20-30
1 m. 40-50 (Daniel Green)
1 m. 70-80 (Daniel Wickham)
1 f. 20-30
1 f. 40-50 (Elizabeth Wickham Green)
3 engaged in agriculture
Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services included in foregoing: Daniel "Wickam" age 78
(Listed nearby on census were Reuben "Wickam" (age 70-80), Daniel "Wickam" (age 20-30), William "Wickam" (age 30-40), "Bimil" Robbins, Henry Sickels, Harmanus Sickels, Ezekiel "Wickam" & Christopher "Wickam".)

Name of pensioner: Daniel Wickham
Age: 78
Name of head of family with whom pensioner resided June 1, 1840: Daniel Green

Landmarks of Albany Co, NY by Amasa Junius Parker, 1897:
Chapter XX, The Town of Coeymans-
p. 472
The town of Coeymans is situated in the southeast corner of Albany
county, and includes within its boundaries Baeren (Barren) Island and
about one-half of Shad Island It was erected from the mother town
of Watervliet March 18, 1 79 1 , and was the second town formed in the
county. When the town of Westerlo was erected in 18 15, a small sec-
tion of Coeymans was set off to it.
p. 483
Indian Fields is a hamlet with a post-office of the same name in the
western part of the town. Among the early settlers here were John
and Thomas Witbeck, W. Searles, George Lamoreaux, Jedediah Davis,
Daniel Green, Daniel Wickham, Gideon Schofiel, Josiah Hinckley, and
the Huyck, Tompkins, and Robins families. In early years Isaac Ver-
planck built a saw mill and afterward carding mills were started. At a
later date Houck & Trenchard operated a cloth works and a saw mill.
These were converted into a foundry by Huyck & Norris, who sold out
to Caleb Snyder. A foundry and wood working shop is now con-
ducted by Norris Brothers. Stores are kept by Odelon Adriance and
Vincent Snyder, and a hotel by Frank Ingalls.

INFORMATION FROM ARTHUR WICKHAM'S RESEARCH: Daniel died Nov 30, 1844 at the home of Reuben Wickham at Coeymans, Albany Co, NY.

Reference is made to your request for information relative to Daniel Wickham of Dutchess County, New York, who served in the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812.
The data which follow were obtained from papers on file in the pension claim, S.11798, based on the military service of the only Daniel Wickham that is found in the Revolutionary War records of this office.
Daniel Wickham was born July 21, 1762, in Stanford, Dutchess County, New York. The names of his parents are not shown.
While living in Stanford, New York, he enlisted in April 1778 as private in Captain Roger Sutherland's company in Colonel Hopkins' New York regiment and was discharged July 12, 1778, having served three month. He enlisted in September 1778, as private in Captain Roger Sutherland's company in Colonel Hopkins' New York regiment and was discharged the first of December, 1778, having served three months. In March,m 1780, he moved to Coeymans, Albany County, New York and he enlisted about the first of April 1782, as private in Captain Harrison's company in Colonel Willett's New York regiment and was discharged December 25, 1782,
He was allowed pension on his application executed October 4, 1932, at which time he was living in Coeymans, New York.
In 1832 one Reuben Wickham was living in Coeymans, New York and he stated he was "aged sixy-three years and upwards" but his relationship to the soldier was not given. There are no further data relative to soldier's family."

Daniel B. Wickham, b. July 21, 1762 in Stanford, Dutchess Co, moved Coeymans about Apr 1, 1782. A private Capt. Harrison's Co, Col Willets Regt. Dis. Dec 25, 1782 - Pension Cert 20293 - D Nov 30, 1844 in Coyements. Children: Ezekiel, Elizabeth Green, wife of Daniel Green, Polly who married Harmann Sickler of Coeymans & Jeremiah of Otsego Co.
(In a different ink) Daniel, son of Benj Sr and bro of Benj. Jr.


Daniel married Mary (---) about 1782 in Dutchess Co, NY. (Mary (---) was born about 1764 in Dutchess Co, NY and died between 1830 and 1840 in Coeymans, Albany Co, NY.)



1 Daniel Wickham's Rev. War pension papers.

2 Arthur Wickham research files.

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