William McCLEERY
Mary (---)
(Abt 1839-)


Family Links

1. Martha A. HUFFMAN

Aaron McCLEERY 1

  • Born: Abt 1839 1
  • Marriage (1): Martha A. HUFFMAN

bullet  General Notes:

HISTORY OF MONONA CO, IA, 1890, p. 298: "Maple Twp." - William McCleery, one of the prominent men of today, came here in Sep. 1855 and settled on some of the land hr had entered the previous month - Section 34. Resided there ever since. With him came his family: Aaron, now an influential farmer living section 34, who was then 16, Silas, John, William and Frank. The other sons are still residents of this county.
p. 302: The first wheat was sown by William McCleery in 1856 but the crop was a failure because of the dry session.(The William McCleerey in these articles was Aaron's father.)

HISTORY OF MONONA CO, IA, 1890, p. 417: "Maple Twp." - Aaron McCleery (son of William above) on Sept. 15, 1865 married Martha A. Huffman and they farmed Maple Twp. Section 34. Their children: George M, Evalina, Osborn, Ada Gau and Ida May (twins), Charles G., Bertha E, Maud and Grace.


Aaron married Martha A. HUFFMAN.



1 History of Monona Co, IA (1890).

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