Isaac DEVORE Sr.
Isaac DEVORE Jr.


Family Links

1. Cynthia WICKHAM

2. Elizabeth (---)

Isaac DEVORE Jr. 1

  • Born: 24 Sep 1830, Morgan Co, OH 2
  • Marriage (1): Cynthia WICKHAM on 6 Mar 1851 in Morgan Co, OH 1
  • Marriage (2): Elizabeth (---) about 1857
  • Died: 30 Jun 1864, GA - Civil War 3
  • Buried: 30 Jun 1864, Marietta National Cem, Cobb Co, Marietta, GA 3

bullet  General Notes:

Isaac Devore was born Sept. 24, 1830
(The above information was posted on 'Public Stories' on by Sandy (Smith) Naehrbass.)

1850 OH CENSUS, Morgan Co, Olive Twp: Isaac Devore, Jr, 19, farmer, b. OH. He was living with Isaac & Hannah Devore and other children.

1860 OH CENSUS, Guernsey Co, Wills Twp: Isaac Devore, 29, day labor, b. OH, $20 personal property, b. OH, unable to read/write; Elizabeth, 27, b. OH, unable to read/write; Hugh, 2, b. OH; John G. F., 3/12, b. OH.

U.S. ARMY REGISTER OF ENLISTMENTS, 1859-1863: Isaac Devore enlisted Apr 30, 1862 at Steubenville, OH by Capt. Norton for 3 yrs; b. Noble Co, OH; 32; farmer; grey eyes, dk. hair, dk. complexion; 6 ft. 2 in.; 15th Inf, Comp. C; died June 30, 1864 of wounds rec'd in action near Big Shanty, GA.

Name: Isaac Devore
Side Served: Union
State Served: Regular Army
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private.
Enlisted in Company C, 15th Infantry Regiment Regular Army.

REGIMENT: 15th Infantry Regiment Regular Army
Regiment State: Regular Army
Regiment Type: Infantry
Regiment Number: 15th
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 3
Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 1
Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 131
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 228
Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers

Regimental History

Shiloh after battle report: Report of Maj. John H. King, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding battalion of Fifteenth and Sixteenth U. S. Infantry.

HDQRS. FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH INFANTRY, Battlefield, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 13, 1862. SIR: I went into the battle on Monday, the 7th instant, in command of two battalions of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Infantry, the former numbering eight companies, the latter seven companies. After forming line of battle, Maj. Stephen D. Carpenter, commanding five companies of the Nineteenth Infantry, formed on my left and continued with me all day, or until half an hour before the enemy retreated, when he detached his command from me to support a battery about to take a position some distance on our left. I am under obligations to the officers and men of my command for their brave and gallant conduct, and I feel well assured that their services will be properly appreciated by our country. Capt. P. T. Swaine, Fifteenth Infantry, and Capt. Edwin F. Townsend, Sixteenth Infantry, commanders of the two battalions, are entitled to special notice for the discipline and maneuvering of their commands. I take pleasure in referring you to their reports, which are herewith inclosed.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JOHN H. KING, Maj. Fifteenth Infantry, Cmdg.

Capt. D. ARMSTRONG, Aide-de-Camp and Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.


Report of Capt. Peter T. Swaine, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry.
CAMP McCLERNAND, TENN., April 12, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report that the First Battalion Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, in the battle of the 7th instant, consisted of eight companies. From the commencement to the close of the battle we were exposed to an incessant fire, but kept steadily advancing, compelling the enemy to yield ground to us. Three times we charged upon the foe, the last time with the bayonet, capturing a battery. My officers displayed great bravery, and gallantly conducted their companies in the hottest of the engagement with the regularity of a drill, and the men were cool, steady, and obedient, well exemplifying their discipline. Not only did they keep gaining ground by driving the enemy before them, but at one time, when heavy re-enforcements were advanced by the rebels, breaking and dispersing the ranks of two adjacent regiments, they stood their ground, and poured such a deadly fire of rifle bullets into the ranks of the enemy that what bid fair at first to be a defeat was turned to a most glorious success.

Many of our enlisted men deserve special notice. Four of them came more particularly under my immediate observation. They are Sergt. Maj. Gustavus E. Teubnes, First Sergts. Roman H. Gray and John Williams, and Lance Sergt. John Mars, corporal of the permanent party of Newport Barracks.*

I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
P. T. SWAINE, Capt., Fifteenth Infantry, Cmdg. Battalion.

Maj. JOHN H. KING, Cmdg. Infantry, Regulars.

Source: Official Records: Series I. Vol. 10. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 10

Stone's River after battle report:
Report of Capt. Jesse Fulmer, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry.

HDQRS. FIRST BATT. FIFTEENTH U. S. INFANTRY, Camp at Murfreesborough, Tenn., January 10, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to report that, on the morning of December 31, 1862, the First Battalion Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, comprising eight companies, entered into action before Murfreesborough, Tenn., under the command of Maj. John H. King.

The number of enlisted men present and entering into action was 304; Lieut. Ogilby, battalion adjutant, and the following company officers, to wit, Capt.'s Fulmer, Wise, Bell, Keteltas, and York, and Lieut.'s Jewett, Wikoff, Woodward, Occleston, King, Semple, Galloway, and Gray, were present and participated in the engagement.

The aggregate strength of the battalion on entering into action was 319, officers and men.

This battalion, with the others of the brigade of regulars, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Shepherd, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, advanced several hundred yards into a dense forest of cedars, about 9 o'clock on the morning of the 31st ultimo, to engage the enemy. The Fifteenth, with the First Battalion of the Sixteenth Infantry on the left, were moved a short distance from the other battalions of the brigade and formed in line of battle. Capt. Keteltas' company was immediately ordered forward as skirmishers, and, as such, advanced them some 400 yards beyond our line. He had been enticed thus to advance by the action of scattering rebels in our front, who, wearing our style of uniform, feigned to be of us.

This piece of deception, however, was timely detected, and a heavy firing between the skirmishers was immediately commenced. Ours were driven back, and the enemy, in two or three lines of battle, hurriedly advanced, with a strong line of skirmishers in front. Our line of battle suffered somewhat by mistaking a body of rebels dressed in our uniform for our troops. When commanded to open upon the enemy, the battalion poured in a heavy fire upon them, but were soon compelled to give way to the vastly superior numbers of the enemy. We fired, retreating, until we reached the rear of the position just that moment taken by the Sixth Regt. Ohio Volunteers. Here we halted to reform our line, but, while so doing, the overwhelming numbers of the rebels, and the fierce onslaught they made on the Sixth Ohio, forced those gallant volunteers to fall back also; whereupon we moved out of the woods, returning the enemy's fire, and, under cover of Guenther's battery, succeeded in taking favorable position and reforming our line. It was in this engagement that Capt. Bell was killed, Capt. York wounded, and, I fear, mortally, and Lieut. Occleston severely wounded.

The battalion reformed, advanced, and again took position in the woods, as also the others of the brigade. This was done promptly, and with a zeal highly creditable to men who had only a few moments before been under a most galling and terrible fire. Very soon we were again engaged with the enemy, and, after a spirited engagement for a while, were ordered to fall back. Then it was that Maj. King was wounded, and the command of the battalion devolved upon me. I continued the movement, firing upon the enemy, and moved up to the support of Guenther's battery. In this affair Capt. Wise fell, mortally wounded, and has since died.

For the remainder of that day we acted in support of Guenther's battery, and remained on the front of our lines that night until nearly daybreak, when we moved to the rear. Later in the morning we moved forward again, first supporting the center, then the right.

Friday morning we again moved to the front, supporting Guenther's battery, and remained there until the battle of that day ended.

Advancing a short distance on Saturday morning, we threw up intrenchments in face of the fire of the enemy's skirmishers and sharpshooters. These we occupied Saturday night, supporting Guenther's battery during the brilliant and successful attack made upon the enemy's lines that night.

In addition to the casualties already named, the battalion had 84 enlisted men killed and wounded, 10 of whom are positively known to have been killed outright, 2 captured, and 15 missing, who have, doubtless, either been killed, wounded, or captured. The aggregate casualties to officers and men number 106.

The conduct of the officers and of the men engaged merits commendation, and the battalion, in all of the advanced movements into the cedars, and in the several actions engaged, did well in aiding to check and drive back the largely superior numbers of the enemy confronted by the brigade of regulars.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JESSE FULMER, Capt. Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, Cmdg. First Battalion.

First Lieut. ROBERTS SUTHERLAND, Eighteenth Infantry, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., Brig. of Regulars.

Source: Official Records
PAGE 400-29 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. [CHAP. XXXII. [Series I. Vol. 20. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 29.]

Chickamagua after battle report:
Reports of Capt. Albert B. Dod, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry.

HDQRS. FIRST BATTALION, FIFTEENTH U. S. INFANTRY, Chattanooga, Tenn., September 25, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to report that on Saturday morning, September 19, this battalion, consisting of Companies A, C, E, F, G, and H, First Battalion, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, and Company E, Second Battalion, was ordered to remain immediately in the rear of Battery H, Fifth U. S. Artillery. In accordance with these instructions I was following close on the battery, moving to the front in line of battle, when I was informed that the skirmishers of the enemy were about 80 rods on our right. I immediately deployed Lieut. Galloway's company as skirmishers, and took up position to the right and a little in rear of the battery. These dispositions had hardly been made when I received information from one of Gen. Baird's staff that Gen. Reynolds' division had gone in that direction, and cautioning me not to fire. My skirmishers were at once recalled, and I followed the battery, marching by the left flank. We had proceeded about 100 yards, when the battery again unlimbered, and I took position immediately in rear of it. The enemy, vastly our superior in numbers, opened upon us a most terrific fire of musketry from in front and on our right flank. I marched to the right of the battery, but was compelled to fall back about 400 yards, where the battalion was reformed under a ridge, and again advanced, taking position on the left of Gen. Brannan's division. Capt. Meredith was wounded while gallantly endeavoring to reform the battalion.

At about half past 8 o'clock on Sunday morning, as my battalion was in line of battle, I received orders from Brig. Gen. King to change front forward on the left company, and move forward to the support of the Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, who were sorely pressed.

This was done while under fire, but before we could engage the enemy they were repulsed. We were left in this position (the extreme left of the division) for about an hour, the Eighteenth having moved to our right and occupied the outermost breastworks. I was then ordered to relieve the Eighteenth in these breastworks, which were only a few logs raised about a foot and a half above the ground, and which were about 100 yards beyond the woods, and while occupying it my left flank was entirely exposed. I had only occupied this position a few moments when I perceived two regiments of the enemy marching in double-quick time to my left. I waited until they commenced fire and were pouring and enfilading fire down my ranks--which it was impossible for me to return--when I gave the order to rise up, and the battalion marched across the open field to the woods under a terrific fire as steadily and in as good order as if on drill or parade.

Upon arriving in the woods I was met by Capt. Forsyth, who informed me that Gen. Baird ordered those works held at all hazards, and promising that my left should be protected. Again I marched across that field, my left this time supported by a regiment sent out for that purpose by Col. Dodge. The enemy made four efforts to take these works, but were each time repulsed with terrible slaughter, the ground in front being literally strewn with their dead and wounded.

At about 11 o'clock we were ordered back into the position we had occupied during the morning, where we remained until all our ammunition was exhausted and we were ordered to fall back on Rossville.

Nothing could exceed the coolness and steadiness manifested by both officers and throughout the whole of Sunday.

At about 4 o'clock the enemy took the breastworks we had occupied in the morning, and were pouring and enfilading fire of canister down our lines, while a tremendous fire of musketry was being poured into us from in front and on our left. The obstinacy with which the men fought may be inferred from the fact that this battalion, numbering less than 200 men, held a whole division in check for over an hour, until their ammunition was exhausted and they were ordered to retire. We were the last to leave the breastworks. Annexed I attach a list of casualties as nearly as they can be ascertained.

I have the honor to be, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

ALBERT R. DOD, Capt. Fifteenth Infantry, Comdg. First Battalion.

Capt. JAMES W. FORSYTH, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Third Brigade.

CHAP. XLII.] THE CHICKAMAUGA CAMPAIGN. PAGE 317-50 [Series I. Vol. 30. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 50.]


Report of Casualties in commissioned officers and enlisted men of the First Battalion, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, at the battle of Chickamauga Creek, September 19, 20, and 21, 1863.*

Wounded.--Capt. D. M. Meredith, Second Lieut. John Williams.

Missing.--First Lieut.'s E. M. Timony, Samuel S. Holbrook, William G. Galloway, and Roman H. Gray; Second Lieut.'s Theodore Kendall and James P. Brown.


Command. K W WM M T
Company A...................... .. 6 2 14 22
Company C...................... 1 4 2 10 17
Company E...................... 4 2 2 9 17
Company F...................... 1 3 .. 16 20
Company G...................... 3 4 7 8 22
Company H...................... .. 9 3 14 26
Company E, Second Battalion.... .. 3 .. 17 20

Total....................... 9 31 16 88 144

K=Killed. W=Wounded. WM=Wounded and missing. M=Missing. T=Total.

ALBERT B. DOD, Capt. Fifteenth Infantry, Comdg. First Battalion.


OFFICE COMMISSARY OF MUSTERS, FOURTH ARMY CORPS, Chattanooga, Tenn., October 19, 1863.

COL.: At the request of Maj.-Gen. Rosecrans, I have the honor to make the following report of Private William J. Carson, bugler in the First Battalion, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry;

On Saturday, September 19, when the regular brigade was falling back, he behaved with most conspicuous gallantry; with a sword in one hand and his bugle in the other, he sounded constantly the "Halt," the "Rally," and the "Forward;" espying a stand of colors belonging to the Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, he rushed up to them and sounded "To the color." His conduct attracted the notice and elicited the admiration of the whole brigade. On Sunday, September 20, before our battalion was engaged, the Eighteenth, being pressed by vastly superior numbers, was falling back; Carson by some means became the possessor of a musket and constituted himself a "provost guard." One of the officers attempted to pass him, but he positively refused to allow it, stating that it was against his orders. All this time he continued to sound the various calls on his bugle. I regret to state that his fate remains a mystery; he was last seen by me late on Sunday afternoon behind the breastworks. I can only hope that he is a prisoner.

Where all behaved as well as they did on Sunday, it would seem invidious to make distinctions, but I beg leave also to mention First Sergt. John Marrs, afterward killed. His company, which had never been under fire before, fell back. Sergeant Marrs was marching to the rear trying to steady the men; his gun was on his right shoulder.

I ordered them back, when Marrs faced to the front, brought his gun down, saluted, and said, "Does the commanding officer know we are out of ammunition?" I told him to go back and fix bayonets, and every man returned, Marrs to fall almost immediately. The cool, soldierly bearing of this man under the terrific fire of Sunday evening was most commendable.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
ALBERT B. DOD, Capt. 15th U. S. Infty., Comdg. Batt. at Chickamauga.

Col. C. GODDARD, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.

Source: Official Records
PAGE 316-50 KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., N. ALA., AND N. GA. [CHAP. XLII.
[Series I. Vol. 30. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 50.]

Battles Fought by15th Infantry Regiment Regular Army:
Fought on 7 Apr 1862 at Shiloh, TN.
Fought on 31 Dec 1862 at Stones River, TN.
Fought on 25 Nov 1863 at Missionary Ridge, TN.
Fought on 29 May 1864 at Altoona, GA.
Fought on 3 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA.
Fought on 27 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA.
Fought on 3 Jul 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA.
Fought on 27 Jul 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 30 Jul 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 7 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 10 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 1 Sep 1864 at Jonesboro, GA.

U.S. VETERANS GRAVESITES, ca. 1777-2006:
Name: Isaac Devore
Service Info.: PVT US Army
Death Date: 30 Jun 1864
Interment Date: 30 Jun 1864
Cemetery: Marietta National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: 500 Washington Avenue Marietta , GA 30060
Buried At: Section J Site 9771


Isaac married Cynthia WICKHAM, daughter of Benjamin WICKHAM and Jerusha "Rusha" (---), on 6 Mar 1851 in Morgan Co, OH.1 (Cynthia WICKHAM was born about 1823 in OH and died about 1856 in OH.)


Isaac next married Elizabeth (---) about 1857. (Elizabeth (---) was born about 1833 in OH 4.)



1 Morgan Co, OH Marriage Records.

2 Smith-Devore Bible.

3 "US Veterans Gravesites, ca. 1776-2006" (

4 1860 OH Census.

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