(Bef 1755-Bet 1820/1830)
(1777-Bet 1860/1870)
(1803-Bet 1856/1860)


Family Links

1. Lydia Ann SHAFER

Asahel J. WICKHAM 2

  • Born: 30 Mar 1835, Monroe Co, OH 2 3
  • Marriage (1): Lydia Ann SHAFER on 5 Jun 1861 in Eldora, Hardin Co, IA 1
  • Died: 19 May 1897, Belmond, Wright Co, IA 4
  • Buried: Franklin Grove Cem, Belmond, Wright Co, IA 5

bullet  General Notes:

1860 IA CENSUS, Hardin Co, Clay Twp:
A. "Wicham", male, 25, b. OH, could not read or write.
He was living with the Timothy "Wicham" family and John "Wicham".

HARDIN CO, IA MARRIAGE BOOK 1, p. 38: A. "J." Wickham & Lydia Ann Shafer m. June 5 (or 2), 1861 at Eldora by Daniel Currier(?), J.P.

CIVIL WAR: Comp. A, 12th Reg. IA Inf. Vol, 1861-1862; wounded April 6, 1862 battle of Shiloh, discharged due to disability.

Name: Asal Wickham
Residence: Lithopolis, Iowa
Enlistment Date: 27 Sep 1861
Side Served: Union
State Served: Iowa
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 27 September 1861 at the age of 26.
Enlisted in Company K, 12th Infantry Regiment Iowa on 17 Oct 1861.
Received a disability discharge from Company K, 12th Infantry Regiment Iowa on 2 Dec 1862 at St Louis, MO.

REGIMENT: 12th Infantry Regiment Iowa
Date of Organization: 25 Nov 1861
Muster Date: 20 Jan 1866
Regiment State: Iowa
Regiment Type: Infantry
Regiment Number: 12th
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 4
Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 8
Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 76
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 260
Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers

Regimental History
Twelfth Infantry IOWA (3 years)

Twelfth Infantry. Cols., Jackson J. Wood, John H. Stibbs; Lieut.-Cols., John P. Coulter, Samuel R. Edgington, John H. Stibbs; Majs., Samuel D. Brodtbeck, Samuel R. Edgington, John H. Stibbs, Edward M. Van Duzee, Samuel G. Knee.

This regiment was organized at Dubuque in Oct. and Nov. 1861, and was mustered in at intervals during those two months. It left the state late in November, went into quarters at Benton barracks, St. Louis, for two months, and like its predecessors, suffered greatly from diseases that seemed to be a part of the experience necessary to prepare them for the field work. Some 75 died of measles, pneumonia and typhoid.

At Smithland, Ky., it joined Grant for the movement upon Fort Henry, was present at the capture of that place, then moved to Fort Donelson, where it took part in the fight and assault which resulted in victory. It won immortal glory for itself at Shiloh by fighting in the advance until sundown and holding back the enemy while the demoralized army withdrew to a new point and waited the arrival of Buell. The 8th, 12th and 14th IA comprised four-fifths of that advance line and surrendered only when surrounded by ten times their numbers. (In the history of the 8th will be found an account of the disposition of the prisoners until their parole and exchange.)

Those who escaped capture were assigned to the "Union Brigade" and served with it until disbanded, being sent to Davenport, Ia., and remaining there during the winter. The paroled men were declared exchanged Jan. 1, 1863, and soon after went to Rolla, which was threatened by Marmaduke, but returned on the 15th to St. Louis, where they were stationed. Lieut.-Col. Coulter resigned and was succeeded by Maj Edgington, and the latter as major by Capt. John H. Stibbs of Co D.

The regiment was reorganized about April 1st and became a part of Sherman's command, participating in the movements of that division during the Vicksburg campaign, though it was in reserve at the assault of May 22. After the surrender it was engaged at Jackson and was in the skirmish at and capture of Brandon. It went into camp near Bear Creek on July 23 and remained there until Oct. 10. Lieut.-Col. Edgington resigned, Maj. Stibbs became lieutenant-colonel, and was succeeded as major by Capt. Van Duzee.

In October the regiment was in a skirmish at Brownsville; proceeded thence to Vicksburg, Memphis, Lagrange and Chewalla, where it remained on railroad guard duty until near the close of Jan. 1864. While here it broke up the guerrilla bands that were pillaging the country, and built a strong fort. It was ordered to join the forces for the Meridian raid, but reached Vicksburg too late to take part and went into camp.

Having been mustered in as a veteran organization, the reenlisted men were sent home on a furlough in March. In their absence, the non-veterans, numbering about 70, accompanied the 35th IA on the Red River campaign and was in battle at Lake Chicot. On their return from home the men reached Memphis on May 2 and were joined by the detachment about the middle of June.

In May six companies under Lieut.-Col. Stibbs, went to the mouth of the White River, established a military post and left Cos. A and F under Capt. Hunter. The command proceeded to Tupelo, where it was engaged in July. The regiment while acting as a train guard, was attacked by a brigade, but repelled it in a handsome manner, and in the subsequent fighting it occupied the most dangerous post and received special commendations of the general commanding.

Returning to Memphis, the regiment moved to Lagrange, thence to Holly Springs, via Lumpkin's Mills, remaining on duty there for some time. The detachment at White River in the meantime had been busy, protecting the loyal people of that section and building a stockade. The little force of but 47 was attacked before daybreak on the morning of June 5 by a force of 400, the men being compelled to fight in their shirts only, so sudden was the attack. A number of the enemy gained the stockade at one side, but Sergt. Isaac Cottle and Corp. George Hunter, armed with revolvers, boldly attacked them and drove them out in confusion. Hunter was shot dead and Cottle was so severely wounded that he died soon after, but the entire besieging force was finally driven off with a loss of over 50 in killed, wounded and prisoners, their commanding officer being among the slain.

Joining the regiment at Holly Springs, this detachment accompanied it to Oxford, then to Memphis, whence it proceeded to Devall's Bluff and Brownsville in search of Price. With 10 days' rations it made the 350 miles march to Cape Girardeau via Jacksonport, Ark., and Jackson, Mo., in 19 days. From St. Louis it proceeded to Jefferson City, Smithton, Sedalia, Lexington and Independence, into Kansas, and to Harrisonville, Mo., after Price but was unable to catch him and returned to St. Louis. The non-veterans and some of the officers were mustered out, Lieut.-Col. Stibbs remaining as commanding officer.

Moving to Nashville the regiment aided in the defense of that city and in the battle in December captured 2 flags. It joined in the pursuit as far as Clinton, then proceeded to Eastport, Miss., where it assisted in building quarters and fortifications. Lieut.-Col. Stibbs was called to Washington in Jan. 1865, to become a member of the military tribunal, the same, which later, tried the notorious Capt. Wirz, who was held responsible for the infamies of Andersonville prison, and Maj. Knee took command.

The regiment was ordered to Mobile in February, was engaged at Spanish Fort in the front line and occupied an exposed position for 13 days and nights. At the conclusion of the siege of Mobile it moved to Montgomery, thence to Selma and remained in guard and garrison duty until the early part of 1866 when it was mustered out. Lieut.- Col. Stibbs received a merited promotion to a colonelcy. The original strength of the regiment was 926; gain by recruits, 55, total, 981.

Source: The Union Army, vol. 4

Shiloh after battle report:
Report of Col. Joseph J. Woods, Twelfth Iowa Infantry.

On the morning of April 6, the rebels having attacked our advanced lines at Shiloh, Tenn., the Twelfth Iowa Infantry was rapidly formed and joined the other regiments-the Second, Seventh, and Fourteenth-of the Iowa brigade, being the First Brigade, under Brig.-Gen. Tuttle, of the Second Division, under Gen. Wallace. The brigade was marched to near the field beyond Gen. Hurlbut's headquarters and formed in line of battle, the Second and Seventh on our right, the Fourteenth on our left. The Eighth Iowa, of Prentiss' division, was on the left of the Fourteenth, forming an angle to the rear with our line. An open field lay in front of our right. Dense timber covered out left. A small ravine was immediately behind us. In this position we awaited the approached of the enemy.

Soon he made a bold attack on us, but met with a warm reception, and soon we repulsed him. Again and again repeatedly did he attack us, trying vainly to drive us from our position. He failed to move us one inch from our position. On the contrary, we repulsed every attack of the enemy and drove him back in confusion.

Thus matters stood in our front until about 4 p. m., at which time it became evident, by the firing on our left, that the enemy were getting in our rear. An aide-de-camp rode up and directed me to face to the rear and fall back, stating, in answer to my inquiry, that I would receive orders as to the position I was to occupy. No such orders reached me, and I suppose could not. The Second and Seventh Iowa had already gone to the rear, and on reaching the high ground between our position and Gen. Hurlbut's headquarters we discovered that we were already surrounded by the enemy, caused by no fault of our own, but by the troops at a distance from us on our right and left giving way before the enemy.

Seeing ourselves surrounded, we nevertheless opened a brisk fire on that portion of the enemy who blocked our passage to the Landing, who, after briskly returning our fire for a short time, fell back. A brisk fire from the enemy on our left (previous right) was going on at the same time.

Seeing the enemy in front falling back, we attempted by a rapid movement to cut our way through, but the enemy on our left advanced rapidly, coming in behind us, pouring into our ranks a most destructive fire. The enemy in front faced about and opened on us at short range, the enemy in our rear still closing in on us rapidly. I received two wounds, disabling me from further duty. The command then devolved on Capt. Edgington, acting as field officer. The enemy had, however, already so closely surrounded us that their balls which missed our men took effect in their ranks beyond us. To have held out longer would have been to suffer complete annihilation. The regiment was therefore compelled to surrender as prisoners of war.

Lieut.-Col. Coulter was much reducer by chronic diarrhea and Maj. Brodtbeck was suffering from rheumatism. Being myself the only field officer on duty, at my request Capt. Edgington acted as a field officer, the duties of which he performed in an able and efficient manner.

Quartermaster Dorr, though his position did not require him to go into action, volunteered to do so, and throughout the day behaved in a brave and gallant manner, daringly, if not recklessly, exposing his person to the enemy. He made himself very useful in carrying messages and spying out the positions and movements of the enemy and firing on them as occasion offered. Energetic and efficient in his own department, he would fill a higher one with credit to himself and honor to the service.

Adjutant Duncan proved himself on this, as on all occasions, a faithful and efficient officer. Capt.'s Earle, Warner, Stibbs, Haddock, Van Duzee, and Townsley
performed well their part, as did all the lieutenants in the action, in a prompt and willing manner. The non-commissioned officers and men stood bravely up to their work and never did men behave better.

In the death of Lieut. Ferguson, of Company D, the regiment lost one of its best-drilled officers and a gallant soldier. It also lost a good man and a good officer in the of Lieut. Moir, of Company A.

J. J. WOODS, Col. Twelfth Iowa Volunteers.
ACTING ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GEN., First Brigade, Second Division.

Source: Official Records: Series I. Vol. 10. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 10

Battles Fought by 12th IA Infantry:
Fought on 15 Feb 1862 at Fort Donelson, TN
Fought on 6 Apr 1862 at Shiloh, TN
Fought on 3 Oct 1862 at Corinth, MS
Fought on 4 Oct 1862 at Corinth, MS
Fought on 19 May 1863 at Vicksburg, MS
Fought on 27 May 1863 at Vicksburg, MS
Fought on 11 Jul 1863 at Jackson, MS
Fought on 15 Jul 1863 at Jackson, MS
Fought on 7 Apr 1864 at Pleasant Hill, LA
Fought on 9 Apr 1864 at Pleasant Hill, LA
Fought on 6 Jun 1864 at Old Lake Village, AR
Fought on 22 Jun 1864 at White River, MO
Fought on 13 Jul 1864 at Tupelo, MS
Fought on 14 Jul 1864 at Tupelo, MS
Fought on 15 Jul 1864 at Tupelo, MS
Fought on 15 Dec 1864 at Nashville, TN
Fought on 16 Dec 1864 at Nashville, TN
Fought on 27 Mar 1865 at Spanish Fort, AL
Fought on 29 Mar 1865 at Spanish Fort, AL
Fought on 6 Apr 1865 at Spanish Fort, AL

MILITARY PAPERS (submitted by Gerald Wickham): Asahel J. Wickham's military papers inidicate he was b. 30 Mar 1835 at Monroe Co, OH. He was 6 ft. tall, light complexion, grey eyes, auburn hair and he was a farmer. He wounded his right leg 6 Apr 1862 at Shiloh and was discharged for disability 2 Dec 1862. He married Lydia Ann Shafer 2 June 1861.

1870 IA CENSUS, Hardin Co., Eldora Twp, Eldora town:
"Asad" Wickham, 33, common laborer, b. OH, cannot read;
Lydia A., 22, b. MI;
Chars., 6, b. IA;
Jacob, 3, b. IA;
Hannah, 3/12, b. IA,
6 boarders.

1880 IA CENSUS, Hardin Co, Jackson Twp:
"Asl" Wickham, 43, farmer, b. OH, cannot read or write;
wife "Lida", 33, b. MI;
son Charles, 15, b. IA;
son Jacob, 12, b. IA;
dau. "Hana", 10, b. IA;
dau. Mary, 2, b. IA.

LIST OF PENSIONERS ON THE ROLL, Jan. 1,1883: Hardin Co., IA - Wickham, "Azel" J.; Iowa Falls P.O.; cause for which pensioned: g. s. w. left leg; pension: $12/month.

1885 IA STATE CENSUS, Hardin Co, Ellis Twp:
"Asel" Wickham, 49, b. OH, entitled to vote;
Lydia, 39, b. MI;
Charles E., 19, b. Hardin Co;
Jacob, 17, b. Hardin Co;
"Hanah", 14, b. Hardin Co;
Mary, 7, b. Hardin Co;
Winfield, 3, b. Hardin Co.

1895 IA STATE CENSUS, Wright Co, Pleasant Twp:
"Azel" J. Wickham, 59, b. OH;
Lydia, 50, b. MI;
Etta L., 17, b. Franklin Co, IA;
Winfield, 13, b. Franklin Co, IA.

DEATHS: 1890-1897 WRIGHT CO, IA: Azel J. Wickham, 62, 1 mo, 20 days, b. OH, d. May 19, 1897 at Belmond, IA of injuries received in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-5. (Note: His parents were not listed.)

IA DEATHS & BURIALS, 1850-1990:
Name: Azel J. Wickham
Gender: Male
Death Date: 19 May 1897
Death Place: Pleasant Township, Iowa
Age: 62
Birth Date: 1835
Birthplace: Ohio
Occupation: Farmer
Marital Status: Married
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B07475-8
System Origin: Iowa-EASy
Source Film Number: 1392976
Reference Number: p65-4

TOMBSTONE RECORDS OF WRIGHT CO, IA - Franklin Grove Cem, Belmond, IA - Asahel Wickham, 30 Mar 1835 - 19 Apr 1897 Comment: "Asel" J. inv. Co. A. 18th Inf. Civil War roll (Note: Other than his wife, the only other Wickham buried in this cemetery, or listed in Wright Co. Deaths, was Selina Olive Wickham who d. 10 July 1922. According to her death record, she was married, an American, died of tuberculosis and lived Belmond, IA.)

CIVIL WAR PENSION INDEX: GENERAL INDEX TO PENSION FILES, 1861-1934: "Azel" J. Wickham - widow: "Liddy" A. Wickham - A 12 IA Inf - filed for a widow's pension July 12, 1897

LETTER FROM OLIVE WICKHAM, Apr. 8, 1941 of Steamboat Rock,IA: "Asael I did not know as well. I cannot remember what his children's names were excepting Edward and Winfield. I was only a child when I seen them and I do not know where there are."


Asahel married Lydia Ann SHAFER on 5 Jun 1861 in Eldora, Hardin Co, IA.1 (Lydia Ann SHAFER was born on 18 Feb 1845 in MI,6 died on 12 Apr 1922 in Wright Co, IA 6 and was buried in Franklin Grove Cem, Belmond, Wright Co, IA 5.)



1 Hardin Co, IA Marriage Book 1.

2 Family Bible of John Wickham, Jr.

3 IA, Deaths & Burials, 1850-1990.

4 Wright Co, IA Deaths, 1890-1897.

5 Cemetery Records of Franklin Grove Cem, Wright Co, IA.

6 Wright Co, IA Deaths.

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