(Bef 1755-Bet 1820/1830)
Benjamin WICKHAM
Jerusha "Rusha" (---)
(Abt 1790-Aft 1856)
(Abt 1814-1894)


Family Links

1. Salathiel A. WICKHAM

Lorana WICKHAM 2

  • Born: Abt 1814, NY 3
  • Marriage (1): Salathiel A. WICKHAM on 19 Feb 1832 in Morgan Co, OH 1
  • Died: 3 May 1894, Shamrock (now Fredericksdale), Center Twp, Noble Co, OH 4 5

bullet  General Notes:

Much of the information on this family, and their descendants, was provided by Robert Barnes and Robert Thomas Wickam.

BIRTH DATE: may have been 1804.

1840 OH CENSUS, Morgan Co, Olive Twp:
Lorana and her 3 children appear to be living with her father Benjamin Wickham.
(Note: Salathiel had probably left her by then.)

1850 OH CENSUS, Morgan Co, Union Twp:
"Lorana" Wickham, 35, b. NY;
"James M. F.", 18, b. OH, farmer;
"Silas M.", 14, b. OH, attended school.
(This family appears to be living in the household of Lorana's parents, Benjamin and Jerusha Wickham.)

"Lorana " Wickham signed her "mark" June 4, 1853 as she received $25 from her father's estate.

1856 IA STATE CENSUS., Poweshiek Co, Jefferson Twp:
"Lorana R. E. Wickham", 43, widowed, b. PA, in IA 0 yrs;
Philinda Wickham, 30 (or 36?), b. OH, in IA 0 yrs, 40 acres of improved land, 120 acres unimproved land, 20 acres in corn, 55 bushels corn harvested, 1/4 acre in potatoes, 25 bushels potatoes harvested, 50 lb. butter manufactured;
Silas M. Wickham, 20, b. OH, in IA 2 yrs.
(Listed on same census page were Lorana's & Philinda's brothers, Alpheus and Elias Wickham.)

A letter from an ancestor states that Lorana went to IA for awhile as an adult but did not like it.

1870 OH CENSUS, Noble Co, Marion Twp, P.O. Summerfield:
Alexander "Wickham", 38(?), $100 personal property, farming, b. OH;
wife "Rachael" H., 37, house keeping, b. OH;
dau. Charlotte A., 15, helping mother, b. OH, attended school;
dau. Sarah E., 13, assists mother, b. OH, attended school;
dau. Rebecca, 11, helps mother, b. OH, attended school;
dau. Frances, 7, b. OH;
dau. Hannah, 5, b. OH;
son George, 2, b. OH;
India M. 52, housekeeper, b. PA;
dau. Loranna, 1/12, b. OH.
(Note: Although listed as a dau. age 1/12, it is assumed that Lorana's name was inadvertently transposed with housekeeper India M., 52. India M. is actually Alexander's dau.)

OBIT: The Caldwell Press (OH), May 10, 1894:
"Died - Lurana Wickham, Thursday, May 3rd of old age. A mother is gone where trouble never comes." States she died "Shamrock"
(Note: Shamrock is located in Center Twp, Noble Co, OH.)

1941 LETTER TO ARTHUR WICKHAM FROM MRS. RUTH WICKHAM MILLER, Sarahsville, OH: "and now i will tell you what I have heard of Salathail and lorana My Grandparance I don't no very Much just what my mother told me she has often told me they came from New York state Salathail and lorana was married and had 3 children James and my mother and Silas he was the youngest. My mothers name was hulda Rachel and she Maried Alex the son of Calvin and Elizabeth Shirley Wickham. James Married Mary King they had 2 Boys but they are both dead uncle Silas went to ciota county and dont no enna thing about what became of them But my grandparents Salathail and Lorana parted and Salathail went to Zanesville and remarreid and had some family I don't no how many for they never kep on his track but lorana my Granny never Maried and always lived with my Parents till she died May 3 - 1893 and my mother died March 7 - 1902 and my father Died june 7 - 1917."
(transcribed as written)


Lorana married Salathiel A. WICKHAM, son of Sir William Johnson WICKHAM and possibly Sarah (---), on 19 Feb 1832 in Morgan Co, OH.1 (Salathiel A. WICKHAM was born in 1806 in NY 6 and died on 22 Mar 1854 in probably Lee Co., IA 7.)



1 Morgan Co, OH Marriage Records.

2 Will of Benjamin Wickham.

3 1850 OH Census.

4 Obituary of Lorana Wickham.

5 Caldwell Press - May 10, 1894.

6 1850 IA Census.

7 Family Bible of Sarah Ann "Anna Mae" Wickham Butler.

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